Monday, October 11, 2010

Father Figure & Twins, Twins

One thing I'm really enjoying with this Witham family history project and my quest for information is reaching out and making new family contacts. It seems that every new person I meet provides another piece of the giant puzzle I'm trying to put together.

My grandpa's sister, Aunt Marjorie, has been a wealth of information to me in this effort. Aunt Marjorie gave me the contact information for Aunt Myrtle's daughter, Charlene Smith. I was interested in contacting Charlene because Aunt Marjorie told me that Aunt Myrtle had a lot of family pictures and she thought Charlene had inherited them when Aunt Myrtle passed.

I contacted Charlene and she is such a nice lady. She was very warm, friendly, and helpful. She was expecting to hear from me because Aunt Marjorie told her I would be contacting her. Charlene had already gathered some pictures to send me.

Not only did she share some great pictures with me, but she also shared some great information with me. Charlene told me her father passed 6 months before she was born. She said my grandpa and his brothers were like father figures to her. She said they would stay with Aunt Myrtle and help take care of things when they were home from their military duty.

Charlene also told me something else that shocked me. She told me that she thought my grandpa and his first wife, Annabelle, had twins who were either miscarried or stillborn. I thought she might be talking about my grandpa's second wife, Charlotte Maxine. Grandpa and Charlotte Maxine had twins, one of which died at birth. I asked her if she might be thinking of that, instead. She told me she knew about the twins with Charlotte Maxine, but she also thought there were twins with Annabelle, as well. She told me she would ask Aunt Marjorie about it and get back to me.

I got an email from Charlene telling me she had talked to Aunt Marjorie and she was able to verify the story. I was shocked because I had never heard that story before. It so happens I got a call today from my grandpa's son, Jerry Witham. I told him I had a shocker for him. I told him that grandpa and Annabelle had twins that were either miscarried or stillborn. He told me he knew about that. He was able to further verify the story.

So, I learned something new about my grandpa. He not only had twins with Annabelle, but he also had twins with Charlotte Maxine. Wow!

So, I'm curious if twins run in the Witham family. If you know anything about this, please feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.

1 comment:

  1. After posting this, I got an email from Charlene Smith telling me that she thinks twins run in the Mann side of the family. This would be grandma Josie Mann Witham's side of the family. She said she would double check this with Aunt Marjorie and let us know for sure.
