Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Withams in 2011

Hello, Withams, and Happy 2011!! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I stopped the blog posts for a bit while everyone was focused on the Holiday season. I'd like to get them rolling again now that the new year is upon us.

2011 is going to be a very exciting year for Witham Family History. I have a gigantic surprise for you. Right before Christmas, we had a major breakthrough in our family line thanks to Becky Bucalo, great granddaughter of Alex Clay Witham. Becky is part of our research team, and boy is she good at it!

Before Becky's discovery, we could only trace our Witham family line back to George Washington Witham's parents, William and Elizabeth Witham. We didn't know anything about William and Elizabeth - just their names. Well, Becky made a connection and we can now trace our family line back to the 1500's in England. Now, that's exciting family history news!

But, it doesn't stop there. We've known for a long time that there were two groups of Withams who came over here from England. One group settled in Kittery, Maine. The other group settled in Gloucester, Massachusetts. We just never knew which group we were from. Well, we now know we are from the Kittery group. How exciting!

I have all kinds of interesting things to share with you on the Witham family history blog, so stay tuned. We will talk about our connection to the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Whiskey Rebellion, and more. Did you know our name wasn't always spelled Witham? I'll be posting a blog post about that soon, too.

There's lots more to come, so stay tuned in and please feel free to get involved. The more the merrier!

Talk again soon!

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