Saturday, December 18, 2010

Alex Clay Witham & HC Witham

This is a photo of Alex Clay Witham. If you remember from an earlier post, Alex Clay is the son of Francis Calvin Witham and his first wife, Martha.

This picture is from Becky Bucalo, Alex Clay Witham's great granddaughter. We've found a few other photos where we weren't sure if it was Alex Clay or not, but this is the first photo we have found that is definitely Alex Clay.

Alex Clay Witham is on the right (from our perspective). The photo was labeled with "Dad" underneath Alex Clay's photo. It was labeled by Adlee Witham, daughter to Alex Clay and grandmother to Becky Bucalo.

The back of the photo gives us a clue as to who the other gentleman is. The back of the photo is labeled: "A.C. Witham" and "H.C. Witham".

We're not positive, but we think the other gentleman may be Henry Clay Witham. We think he may be a cousin to Alex Clay, but we're not for sure.

If you have any more information on this photo, please leave a comment below or email me.

1 comment:

  1. Becky was able to verify that HC Witham is indeed Henry Clay Witham, a cousin to Alex Clay Witham. Thank you, Becky!
