Saturday, June 14, 2014

Witham Family Reunion 2014

Hello, Withams! We just received an email from Mary Beth with the details for the upcoming Witham Family Reunion. If you did not receive the email, please let me know and I'll make sure you get on the family email list. Several emails got returned due to bad/changed email addresses, so we would like to get that fixed if we can.

I am not always able to attend, but I plan to be there this year! Hope to see many of you there! ~Mike

Dear Family,
I hope this note finds you all well.  It's that time again--the annual Witham Family Reunion.  It will be held on Sunday, July 20, 2014, at the Lion's Club in Franklin, IL.  We will begin at noon with a potluck style meal.  Please bring a dish or two to share, your own drinks and table service, any pictures and stories as well. The doors will be open around 11:30am for those who would like to arrive early.  The Lion's Club is air conditioned and does have a wheel chair ramp for accessibility.  There is a park across the street for the kids and shade trees in the yard next door.  Bring any games, indoor and outdoor that you would like and don't forget your camera!  If I've left anyone off of this please let me know their address and I'll include them or feel free to forward it onto them.
I hope many of you will be able to attend.  It is not necessary to RSVP but feel free to drop me a line and let me know.  I'd love to hear from you either way!  
The last few years the reunion hasn't been very well attended.  Therefore, I think we need to talk about if we are going to continue having it.  I do value it, don't get me wrong.  But if it's just the same dozen people each year we could have it at a local restaurant and save the $75 rental fee.  That's just a suggestion.  I am open to others and I am by no means in charge of this.  I just reserve the hall and send out the information.  If anyone would like to take that over, just let me know.  I hope to see you July 20th and look forward to catching up!
Mary Beth Doolin Kruzan

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