Thursday, October 14, 2010

Panilla Kind of Guy

This is a photo of me with my Aunt Cyndy Witham Argenta-Eaton. Aunt Cyndy is my father's sister.

Aunt Cyndy  has always been a special person in my life. She's someone I've always had a lot of respect and admiration for.

I was recently talking to my mother about Aunt Cyndy and she told me that Aunt Cyndy helped to take care of me when I was a baby. I don't remember this, of course, but it just reinforces the fact that Aunt Cyndy is tops in my book.

I emailed Aunt Cyndy and told her what my mom had told me about Aunt Cyndy helping to take care of me when I was a baby. I told her I didn't remember that, but it didn't surprise me.

I told Aunt Cyndy my earliest memory of her was when I was young and she came to visit my grandpa (her dad). Aunt Cyndy knew I was going to be there, too, so she found an ice cream place in town that served MANY different flavors of ice cream.

When Aunt Cyndy got to grandpa's house, she told me she was going to take me out for ice cream and I could have ANY FLAVOR I WANTED! Aunt Cyndy was really wanting to spoil me rotten. She was as excited as I was about getting ice cream, I think. Besides, she had looked around to find this special place that offers every flavor you can imagine.

When we got to the ice cream shop, Aunt Cyndy showed me all the different flavors I could choose from. When the person scooping the ice cream asked me what kind I wanted, I said, "Panilla" (Vanilla). I think Aunt Cyndy was disappointed that I didn't want one of the more exotic flavors. "You can have ANY flavor you want!", she told me. I repeated that I would like panilla.

So, Aunt Cyndy not only remembered that story and remembered taking me to get ice cream that day, but she even sent me the above picture that we took together at that ice cream store. I had no idea she had that picture! What a surprise!

Sorry, Aunt Cyndy, but I'm still a "Panilla" kind of guy today! Hey - come to think of it - I just noticed YOUR ice cream looks like PANILLA, too! HAHA! ;)

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